About Library

A well-equipped and well-managed library is the foundation of modem educational structure. Library has the same position in any educational institution as the heart in the body. It circulates the knowledge and information through body of the college. To support the academic requirements of the staff and students, college has a well stocked library headed by trained professional librarian Dr. Rupesh Gaur to help the students in pursuit of knowledge. It has more than 39,000 books on different discipline like Humanities, English literature / language, Commerce, Management and Pure Sciences etc. and subscribing more than 30 periodicals and journals, on current affairs and general interests and 16 national and regional dailies to keep the students knowledge Up-to-date Periodicals are made freely available to the students to cultivate the habit of reference reading. In addition of that our library has unique E – Resource center. In this center we are providing access of more than 6000 online journals and more than 33 lakhs titles electronic books under UGC’s N-List program. The serene atmosphere and rows of neatly stacked books pertaining to courses of study, supplementary reading, general reading and personality Development etc., play a major role in attracting the students to the library. Library provides Open Access System to all its members through computers. Students directly access their desired books from the shelves and borrow desired books from the Circulation Desk for home reading. The college Library is housed in a hall with a seating capacity of 75. Library system is in the process of computerization using open source library management software “Koha” having international database standards