Library Rules for Students

The library shall remain open on all working days of the college.

For library collection                  9 a.m. – 1.00, 1.30 p.m – 4 p.m.

For book bank                            1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m.   

  • Two Books are allowed to B. A., B Com Students and four books to MA, B.Lib. Sc. students.
  • Books are allowed for 14 days at the most. Text books can be issued to the deserving students.
  • The books on loan can be recalled at any time, if necessity arises.
  • Reference books, rare books, magazine / periodicals shall not be issued, except in very special case at the discretion of the librarian.
  • The students will have to appear in person to get the books issued / re-issued.
  • Over due charge of Re. 1/- per day for first 14 days and Rs. 2 per book per day after 14 days, if the book is kept beyond the permissible period of loan.
  • Students must carry their identity card with them whenever they enter the college library.  They can be refused admission of the library or can be turned out of the library, if they fail to produce their identity cards on demand.
  • Information regarding, the loss of identity card must be conveyed to the librarian immediately. The duplicate identity card will be issued after charging of Rs. 50.
  • Damaging or marking or defacing of books is highly objectionable. Penalty may also be imposed besides replacement of damaged books.
  • Students are required to replace books lost by them with the same / latest edition or deposit double the original price of the book, and current conversion rate in case of foreign books will be applicable.
  • Switch off or in vibration mode, mobile when you are in library.
  • Not to indulge in tearing off, marking or dog-earing of the pages of a book.
  • Not to indulge in talking or making noise while inside the library.
  • The Librarian has the discretion to refuse admission and to demand any book of the library at any time.
  • Not to create indiscipline in the library and observe library rules strictly.
  • Any misuse of library privileges will be considered as a serious breach of discipline and the Principal can take such action as is necessary after consulting the Librarian.
  • Principal may change any or all the Library Rules without any notice.


In addition to library books, we have a Book Bank collection, which caters to the needs of all the students for all the semesters. They are given 3 books for a semester for full semester.